Friday, August 27, 2010

General Condition of Taiga

There are four seasons in the taiga. The winters are long, cold, and dry, and there is very little sunlight. Precipitation falls as rain during summer and as snow during winter.

In the winter the taiga is covered in a heavy blanket of snow with frozen lakes and subzero temperatures for 6-7 months. In winter the taiga is tilted away from the sun. There are a few hours of sun in the middle of the day, but it is mostly dark.

                                                                    Winter in Taiga

In the spring the geese and water flow start to return, animals go to the marshes and lakes, and ice starts to return, animals go to the marshes and lakes, and ice starts to melt. Summer is a heat wave that lasts 3-4 months.
                                                                     Spring in Taiga
In fall water, spongy moss, and oozing mud turns to ice hardened ground. The sunlight has a great effect on the taiga. In the summer the light is more direct. The northern hemisphere tilts toward the sun during the summer. In these warm months the taiga can have sunlight for up to 24 hours per day.

Amount of Rainfall receives in a year
It can vary from 12-13 inches per year.

Amount of Sunlight receives in a year
Its amount of sunlight is roughly about 3 months. It gives the plants more heat and melted snow to make them grow.

The Geographical Location of Taiga
Taiga is located between 50 degrees latitude north and the Arctic Circle.

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