Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Hey Everyone! :)

When you see someone, you'll always greet 'hello' or 'hey' or 'hi' or 'what's up' or all those greetings right? Well, you got that right.. So, HEY EVERYONE!!!!! (wow, that's loud) hahaha... :D I'm weird... LOL... Anyway, if you're wondering who am I, I'm just an ordinary girl who's trying to survive my damn life with all the conflicts of the IDPs... Bet you're wondering what the hell is IDP right? haha.. Thought so.. IDP is Inter-disciplinary Project which me and my classmates are busy doing right now, bursting our heads with all of the things we need to do, and bring and do and... well, you got me.. :D Whoa, with all the talking up there, I haven't even introduce myself yet. Oooopsie.. My name is Ainin Sofiya and I'm an ordinary girl who's studying in Singapore International School, Bona Vista in Jakarta, Indonesia. People sometimes call me Nin, some of them even call me Sofiya, but mostly, in general, they call me Ainin...

Must be wondering why I'm here right? Well, I'm here to talk about my IDP.. Yeah, I know, weird right? I mean, who would even talk about their projects in their blogpage? Isn't blogpage suppose to be somekind of place where you tell about your feelings and your life, you know.. Like a diary except we don't write it on a book but we type it in the computer? hahaha... I mean, who even do that? Write about your projects in your blogpage? Ohhh, I know, weird people, like us!

So let's talk about my IDP now.. This semester's IDP consist of 4 different subjects with 1 specific topic or theme and the 4 subjects are:
  • Arts & Design
  • English
  • Computer / IT
  • Science
The main title for this project is 'The Art of Science, man's response to nature's call'.. We have to make a blogpage out of it, which I'm doing right now, and we have to report everything we do for each subject in this blogpage, so as you guys (whoever's reading this) go through this blogpage, all you guys will find is, well, about projects.. So, do enjoy! (good luck with that)... :D

For Arts & Design, I have to make a lettering design of my name for my blogpage in my own creative ways. I had to do some research and investigation and I have to keep records of what I do about my arts in my art journal.

English? What do I have to do for English agian? Oh yeah, I have to do this.. Write in my blogpage about my project..

As for my Science, I'm grouped with Jackyn & Angela and we were assigned to search about a rainforest named 'Taiga' which is somewhere in Canada.. We also had to a 3d model of it.. For the past few weeks, Angela was absent because she went to Shanghai so Jacklyn & I had to do our projects ( 80% of our projects) alone, with only two people in the group, it was quite hard to keep up, but we managed.. :)

For Computer, it's kinda the same like English, I have to make my blogpage, upload images and my lettering design, and find templates for my blogpage to  make it more attractive.. hahaha...

So, that's it for now but there will still be more, like alot more coming but let's give it a rest first.. haha... :) bye!

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